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1.Sample Collection Procedure(Antibody)     2.Total Info-Med System     3.Covid-19-training/collection    
IHDpay group is committed to provide a safe, convenient and efficient information technology platform. The platform provides authentication, payment and other services to  various stakeholders of the digital-health eco-system through implementing the concept of "ONE ID ONE GREEN WORLD, HEALTH FOR ALL", especially for patients at different stages of their treatment cycle  such as searching doctors, booking appointments, E-consultations, payments, medicine pick-ups and refills. The current participants include hospitals, medical insurance companies, social medical insurance bureau, pharmaceutical companies, drugstore chains, government approved and related service departments, banks/card organizations as well as international self-service-terminal  manufacturers ; up to this moment the company had served over 55,000,000 visits out of its registered users of over 15,000,000